Hants Realty Limited

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About Larry Matthews, Founder

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Larry Matthews


Larry D. Matthews  (1950 - 2021)

Who knew that what began with a classfied ad read over a cup of tea with his wife at the kitchen table would lead to the creation of one of Nova Scotia's oldeset, established real estate firms.  It was way back in 1977 when our founder, Larry Matthews, bucked the popular opinion of many in small town, rural Nova Scotia, and decided to start his own real estate company.  What began as a colour pencil doodle, would quickly become one of the most recognized signes in Nova Scotia with it's attention grabbing, now infamous, red for sale sign.
As a good old boy himself, and proud of it, Larry recognized the need for real estate services designed with the country in mind. He made no bones about the potential he saw, and that we would all see realized over his 44 years as our broker/owner/founder and mentor.
Although one time named one of Atlantic Canada's fastest growing companies, Larry knew that no amount of swanky office space could replace the time he spent getting to know his clients at their kitchen table.  A man of faith, he knew many couldn't be reached through conventional pulpits. Larry treasured this time with his clients more than anything, and would call himself councilor, preacher, but most of all friend. It was through his position as a Realtor that Larry helped thousands of people navigate the roller coaster that is life. There was no prouder moment for him than when he became the Realtor for a son or daughter, or a grandchild of a past client who wouldn't dream of sending their family anywhere else.
Family, the staple at Hants Realty Ltd.  Perhaps Larry was most proud of the fact he had his wife Peggy, and later, daughters Natasha and Kimberly, by his side throughout his grand adventure. With a true passion for business and with his stout entrepreneurial spirit, Larry's business aspirations ranged from towing and recovery to restaurants and catering, to pawn shops and print shops. It was through the Flyer Alliance where Larry found the opportunity to share his stories, and was always overwhelmed at the response of an audience who was always eager to listen.
As we look to the future, we look back at all of Larry's wonderful life lessons and advice. It is his tradition of integrity and common sense that we hold most dearly, and the hopes and dreams of our clients that fuel our vision toward the next 45 years.
Larry taught us that at Hants Realty Ltd, there's no place like home, and it is in his honor that we strive every day to help you make your dream home visions, come true.
Designation: DAC, AMP
Experience: 45 Years

Contact Me

Hants Realty Limitedindependently owned & operated

-PO Box 58, 44 Main Street West , Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, B0N2J0